Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise on right and title in the Law of Things 'Right and title of the Scottes lawe'


  • Right and title of the Scottes [and then:] lawe, either it is of thinges corporall


  • thairof\ maill\ the\ for\

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise on right and title in the Law of Things 'Right and title of the Scottes lawe' .

The text refers to statutes of King James IV, Queen Mary and King James VI

No. of pages: Pag. 380-382

Rubric: Off right and title in the Scottes law


  • Right and title of the Scottes lawe, either it is of thinges corporall, or incorporall. If they be corporall, they are either moveabell or immoveabell. Moveable ar thes thinges quhich maye be transported from one place to another, as horsvolk, scheipe, cornes, etc


  • The provest and baillies of burrowes, at the instance of the owner, upone citatione of the pairtie, soulde take cognitione of the estate of the tenement ... to the lyfrenter for the maill thairof: Jacobus 6, Parl. 14, cap. 226.24.

    Pag. 383 [{i}had contained six lines in large handwriting. They were then barred, and at a later time erased. I could read remnants of the first six words:{/i}] Decisiones of the Lords of Sessione ... [{i}remainder illegible{/i}]