Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Theologia : treatise whether secular authority may interfere in ecclesiastical matters


  • The questiounis to be handlit [and then:] ar first of the names and (formes?) of magesteratis, secund of thair personis

Theologia: treatise whether secular authority may interfere in ecclesiastical matters .

Not foliated. Written by only one scribe. The right lower corner of leaves 42 and 43 was torn out, so that about one third of the leaf is missing. I analysed the work because I hoped it might as well use arguments of law, but it does not. The author only drew arguments from the Bible and from writings of the Church Fathers and early Councils, and he even copied words written in Greek letters. The first phrase sets out that the work has six parts

No. of pages: Fol. 1r-45v

Rubric: Off the civill magesterat


  • The questiounis to be handlit ar first of the names and (formes?) of magesteratis, secund of thair personis.

    [{i}Last chapter contained in this MS:{/i}] Of the obiectiounis taine frome the power of Christ the mediatour to establise sprituall authoritie in civile magistratis. The civile magistrat hes his pover frome Christ the mediator. Thairfoir hes power to governe ... to stay onie pairt of that quhilk belongis the ecclesiasticall calling he is nother the author thairof nor the lord thairof, nor gives authoritie thairto.

    [{i}The scribe broke off after having written the title of another chapter:{/i}] Ecclesiasticall councelles ar nocht convenit be the personall authoritie of the civile magistrat, nor zet hes he power sic a(ne) meitting