LOCATION | Glasgow, Royal Faculty of Procurators |
MANUSCRIPT | Glasgow, Royal Faculty of Procurators, H18.2.1 |
ITEM No. 2 | Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 (digest, alphabetical) 'Acts of Parliament. Transgressione' |
Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 (digest, alphabetical) 'Acts of Parliament. Transgressione' : (1609-1623)
Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 (digest, alphabetical) 'Acts of Parliament. Transgressione': (1609-1623) .
No mention of an author, no title. Written by two alternating scribes, or perhaps by even more than two scribes. No further title. Earliest dated decisions 1609. Latest dated decisions which caught my eye: 1623. Within each keyword, the decisions are usually arranged in chronological order. The text does not only comprise abstracts of decisions but also of acts of Parliament
No. of pages: Pag. 1-143
[{i}Last items:{/i}] Usurie. 1. Ane contract, conteining annualrent 15 per centum, being quarrelled as usurie, will be sustained if the pairtie have not gotten payment.
2. The advocat be himselfe, without ane informe, may persew ane usurer for annulling his securitie, escheating his sowme.
3. The kings Thesaurer persewed Lantie and uthars inhabitants in Dundie ... bot that decreet might be reduced in Parliament. 2 March 1611.
Yuile and Whitsunday. My Lord Chancellor, being retowred from Court last November, presented to the Session his Majesties lettres, commanding the Lords to keep vacance from the 23 December at 12 hours till 7 January exclusive, and from the Fryday befor Whitsunday at 12 hours till the Wedensday after Whitsunday, yeirlie, as lykwayes to keep the 5 November holyday, and that they give command to all inferior judges ... holyday
Colophon: Finis May 1664